Laura Pisani is an Argentine soprano. She made her Debut in the USA in 2018 by singing the Queen of the Night ("The Magic Flute", Mozart) with the Florentine Opera Company, at the Milwaukee and in Wisconsin and made her Brazilian debut with "Piedade" (João Guilherme Ripper), at the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo and at the Sala Cecília Meireles in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), playing the role of Anna Da Cunha.
At the famous Colon Theatre in Buenos Aires (Argentina), she plays the role of Natacha in the opera "The Three Sisters" by Peter Eötvös and resumes her role in the cover of "Piedade" by João Guilherme Ripper. She also made her debut in the role of Ophelia in "Hamlet", of Ambrose Thomas for the Juventus Lyrica, at the Teatro Avenida in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Her next engagements in 2019 are the "Magnificat" of Bach and "Carmina Burana" of Carl Orff at the Municipal Theatre of Sao Paulo in Brazil, as well as the role of Najade in "Ariadne auf Naxos" of Richard Strauss, at the Colon Theatre of Buenos Aires (Argentina).
In 2018, Laura PISANI won the Best Female Voice Award at the eighth edition of the Belcanto Vincenzo Bellini International Competition in Vendôme (France).
In 2017, she became the real star of the Teatro Colón by playing Milliner in "The Knight in the Pink" by Strauss, Ein Mädchen in "Grandeur et décadence de la ville de Mahagonny" by Kurt Weill, Anna Da Cunha in "Piedade" by João Ripper) and the first Esprit des bois in "Rusalka" from Dvrak.
Among her most remarkable operatic performances, we can quote Adina in "L'Elisir d'amore" at the Teatro lírico de Posadas in Misiones (Argentina) in 2012, the Queen of the Night in "The Enchanted Flute" with the Juventus Lyrica Company at the Teatro Avenida in 2013 and at the Centro Cultural Konex in Buenos Aires in 2016, Musetta in "Bohemia", with the Juventus Lyrica at the Teatro Avenida in 2013 and with the Ensamble lírico Orquestal at the Auditorio de Belgrano in Buenos Aires in 2016), Dircé and Premiere Femme in "Médeé", with Cherubini, Opera2day Company and Juventus Lyrica Company, at the Théâtre aan de Schie, Théâtre Royal de La Haye, Théâtre de Vest, Rotterdamse Schowburg, Théâtre De Spiegel, Amstelveen Schouwburg, Deventer Schouwburg, Hoorn Het Park, Nijmegen Stadsschouwburg, Eindhoven Parkheater, Théâtre Heerlen (Netherlands) and at the Teatro Avenida in Buenos Aires, for the 2013/2014 season, Olympia in "The Tales of Hoffmann", with the Juventus Lyrica at the Teatro Avenida in 2014, and the Duquesa Carolina in "Luisa Fernanda" by Moreno Torroba, at the Mozarteum San Juan in Argentina, in 2016.
In recital, Laura Pisani also sang Bach’s "Wedding" (BWV 82, no. 202), Mozart’s Exsultate Jubilate (K165), Rossini’s "Messa di Gloria", Schubert’s "Messe n°2" in G major D167, Pergolesi’s "Stabat Mater" and Vivaldi’s "Gloria", RV 589.
In 2013, she won the First Prize at the Concours de Chant du Bienal Juvenil Shell- festivales Musicales 2013/ 2014 (Argentina).
In 2015, she received a scholarship from the Voice Experience Foundation to participate in the Milnes Voice Studio apprenticeship program, led by Sherrill Milnes in Savannah, Georgia, USA.
In 2016, she won the First Prize at the Alejandro Cordero Singing Competition (Argentina), which allowed her to sing three concerts at the Manhattan School of Music and the Americas Society in New York.
Laura Pisani is a graduate of the Instituto Superior de Canto del Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires (ISATC, 2019). She continues to perfect her vocal technique with tenor Gustavo López Manzitti.
Laura Pisani- Crudele!... Non mi dir- Donna Anna (Don Giovanni, W. A. Mozart)- 2017

Laura Pisani- Crudele!... Non mi dir- Donna Anna (Don Giovanni, W. A. Mozart)- 2017

É preciso morrer- Laura Pisani